
  • No. of Pages
  • Addition Pages
  • Contact Page (with form)
  • Google Map Integration
  • Social Media Integration
  • Blog
  • Newsletter
  • WhatsApp / Messenger Integration
  • Chat Bot Integration
  • Graphics / Photo Editing
  • Premium Theme
  • Instagram Feed
  • Basic On-Page SEO(One-time)
  • Basic

  • 9000

  • 5
  • included
  • not included
  • included
  • included
  • not included
  • not Included
  • not included
  • not included
  • not included
  • included
  • not Included
  • Standard

  • 14000

  • 8
  • Privacy Policy, Terms & Condition
  • included
  • included
  • included
  • included
  • included
  • included
  • included
  • not included
  • included
  • included
  • included
  • Premium

  • 18000

  • 12
  • Privacy Policy, Terms & Condition
  • included
  • included
  • included
  • included
  • included
  • included
  • included
  • included
  • included
  • included
  • included

** The above pricing does not include domain & Hosting Charges. 

We also offer customised packages for additional requirements.